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打工信部和公安部旗号卖VPN 这家公司胆子有点大_新闻频道 ...:2021-7-8 · 打着工信部和公安部的旗号卖VPN,这家公司胆子有点大.6月30日, “著名记者冯诗林”还在新媒体平台“北京时间”上发布过一篇题为《VPN应用7月1日 ...

The Wayne County Board of Commissioners have designated $2.4 M for a new grant program for businesses and nonprofits impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Tourism and other businesses with fewer than 100 employees including sole proprietors, and 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(19) non-profit organizations are eligible to apply.  Funding can be used to offset financial losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and expenses incurred to pay for safety measures implemented. Applications will be accepted at WayneCountyCares.com until Aug. 21. Businesses that have not received PPP, EIDL, PA Small Business Advantage Grant Program, Fire Company and EMS Grant Program and Hazard Pay funds will be given priority. For information go to WayneCountyCares.com.


Lot 2 Land Development Plans for a 20,000 SF Building Site Approved

Sterling Township Approved the Land Development Plans for Lot 2 in the Sterling Business & Technology Park. The 3.42 acre property is approved for a 20,000 SF Building and 49 parking spaces. The lot features frontage along SR 191 and Innovation Drive and can be used for warehouse, manufacturing, technology or office space. Storm water permits are in place and the lot is shovel ready, just pick-up a building permit from Sterllng Township and begin construction.  Lot 3 features a building pad and storm water controls and is approved for a 40,000 SF Sewer, water, broadband, and power are located at the property line.  The Sterling Business & Technology Park is located at Exit 17 on I-84 just north of the Interstate.

邀请好友真能加速? 网上抢票这些"操作"要留心_新闻中心_正义网:2021-1-27 · 近期,西安市民王女士的朋友圈里有不少好友分享抢票软件小程序,求助亲友加速抢票。有软件工程师告诉记者,抢票软件主要是通过插件或爬虫软件的方式,提高查票频率和验证码识别速度,购买加速包可能会给用户安排更多的人力和物力去抢,但机器识别存在失败率,能否抢到票也要看运气。

The Wayne County Commissioners, in partnership with Wayne Economic Development Corporation (WEDCO), announce a new funding option for business development; The Wayne County Economic Growth Fund.  This fund provides grants for undertaking activities that encourage and support economic growth and job creation.  Through this program, businesses may be awarded a grant up to $2,500 for eligible projects or up to $10,000 for the purpose of paying eligible loan fees.  The grants have private investment match and job creation requirements.  For more information, click on "Financial Assistance" in the menu above or contact Mary Beth Wood at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  To download a PDF version of the application, 哪款网络加速器好用.

Coworking Space Photo
Stourbridge Project

The Stourbridge Project is a coworking space and business incubator that helps to support rural entrepreneurs by creating a space for people to meet, work, and share ideas. Located at 646 Park Street in Honesdale, the free coworking space is open daily from 10 am until 6 pm. The Project features graphic design software, animation and film editing software, solidworks to create 3D objects, ARC GIS for mapping projects, ProTools for audio and music creation, and 3D Printers. Operated by WEDCO, the space features an urban industrial feel while providing professional workspace and meeting areas. A digital media studio is in progress as well as a training room on the first floor. Everyone is welcome, just bring a laptop and something to work on.


 Sterling Business & Technology Park



Wayne County, Pennsylvania



Sterling Business & Technology Park is KOZ & KIZ Certified

The Pennsylvannia Keystone Opportunity Zone (KOEZ) program offers low or no taxes for qualified companies relocating or expanding to the Sterling Business & Technology Park.  The Keystone Innovation Zone (KIZ) Program. The KIZ Program, creates designated geographic zones to foster innovation and create entrepreneurial opportunities by aligning the combined resources of educational institutions and the private sector. For more information, call us at 570-253-5334.


Pocono Mountain Film & TV

Pocono Mountain Film & TV produces the 30 minute television magazine show "Wallenpaupack Life".  Jason Cline is the producer.  To learn more call us at 570-218-4226.  Several other shows are in the works for 2017.

River Rock Communications

River Rock Communications, LLC is a boutique firm founded on the belief that strong, well-defined, targeted public relations and marketing communications can resolve business challenges.  Visit riverrockcom.com to learn more.

Bresset & Santora, LLC.

Bresset & Santora, LLC., was formed November 2005 and combined we have more than 75 years of experience in commercial litigation, business workouts, restructuring, business financing, transfers, mergers and acquisitions.   We have handled matters in more than 20 states and the Virgin Islands.   During that time we have also served as consultants to other members of the bar, state and federal legislatures and businesses in those areas of law.






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